Reclaim the love of learning in your classroom - for both you and your students!

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Pre-Planned Lessons for FREE

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Reclaim the love of learning in your classroom - for both you and your students!



Teachers today feel OVERWHELMED by the sheer amount of tasks on their plate. Every day they must face their students with planned and prepped material. Their schedule and the demand is CONSTANT with little time to ever get ahead or catch up. Plus, they face the additional stressor of societal scrutiny at nearly every turn. Teachers are told to stop whining, work harder, do more with less, and save us all by educating the next generation. 

High Quality, Ready-to-Go Resources from the Word Nerd will make your life a whole lot easier!

Plain and simple you are overwhelmed and have no idea how you are going to live up to the demands society, your school, and your students are putting on you, not to mention spend time on the responsibilities on your plate outside the walls of your school.

Instead of thriving, you're barely surviving.

Each day you wake up knowing there are not nearly enough hours to
tackle the items on your to-do list
Plan lessons
Grade assessments
Attend meetings
Breathe, pee, eat…

Your free time is non-existent and taking the self-care recommendations offered up by your administration and spouse feel like a pipedream.


After having spent more than 2 decades in the field of education, I totally get what it feels like to try to do all the things successfully, both in the classroom and out. I've been in the same trenches you are in - fighting the battle to find enough time to plan the lessons, build the student relationships, and participate in mandatory committees - all while attempting to manage a household, wrangle a carpool schedule without cloning myself, and figure out what everyone is going to eat for dinner. I get it! It never feels like there is enough time to get everything done, let alone enough time to do it all WELL.


Amanda Zieba

Eventually, I realized I didn't have to do it all by myself. Not every lesson had to be my own painstakingly birthed brainchild. I figured out that, just like I told my students, I could use my resources.

To that end, I have created, gathered, and curated a treasure trove of tried and true lessons, strategies, practices and activities that will save both your time and sanity. I'm not available to come over and scrub your floors (the WORST chore), but I can help you fill your lesson planner with high-quality, ready-to-go resources that will make your life a whole lot easier.

The Answer is Simple:

Use these supplementary resources to consistently review big picture standards and the skills that never get enough practice. By purposefully and repeatedly placing these activities into your lessons you will increase your students’ exposure and opportunities to practice these foundational skills which will dramatically improve their abilities and confidence throughout the school year.

Resources in this collection repeatedly cover:

  • Story Elements: Character, Conflict, Climax, Setting, Theme, Point of View and Resolution
  • Genre: Including definition, exploration and identification of all genres
  • Format: Prose, novel in verse, graphic novel
  • Read and comprehend literature at the 6-8th grade text complexity band
  • Including vocabulary acquisition (both figurative and connotative)
  • Writing: Including a variety of purposes and forms including fiction, nonfiction, and reflections, with an emphasis on building stamina

If you subscribe to the Word Nerd Collaborative, you’ll be able to…

Reclaim Your Time/Life

Leave school at school, once again allowing you to use your nights and weekends for personal purposes (and things that bring you joy!)

Increase Student Engagement

Access high-quality, ready-to-go resources that your students will actually enjoy. If you increase student enjoyment, you’ll increase student participation. (You will also decrease behavior problems and withdrawal from class activities!)

Level Up Your Skills 

Learn new strategies. These strategies, accompanied with your return of energy, will help you teach more effectively than when you were running on an empty tank.

Feel Better at Work

Increase your own confidence and satisfaction so you can enjoy being a teacher!

Increase Student Achievement

The best part is that all of these improvements will ultimately lead to an increase in student achievement. 

My kids love it! When I read a book’s first chapter, it flies off my shelf. “

- Lysha Chamberlain (7th grade teacher)

“First Chapter Friday is a procedure in my classroom because of you!

First Chapter Friday has led my students to pick up a book they might not otherwise know. Your work helps narrow down some amazing titles!”

-Sheila McAninch (7th grade teacher)

“THANK YOU! My students love reading and then sharing them with others.

This is my first year as a middle school gifted specialist, and your resources have changed my teaching. I just want to say THANK YOU for what you do!”

- Gina Stout (6th Grade teacher)

“Your resources have changed my teaching.

You help me get my kiddos excited about reading and help me learn more about books that I have not yet read or heard about! Thank you for all of your content! “

- Bailey Rich (6-8th grade teacher)

“I love your first chapter Friday videos!

Thank you for doing this.  I go back and forth between your videos and my own selections. “

- Cassie Yowell (8th grade teacher)

“It's made a huge impact on reading in my classroom.

Kids love listening to them and I usually have several that can't wait to check out the book. “

- Cherri Haskett (6-7th grade teacher)

“Your FCF is what saves the week at times.

- Courtney Cummins (7-8th grade teacher)

“My students love you! Thanks for everything you do!”


I don’t even
have to ask if you are tired and frustrated trying to juggle all the things in your life. I KNOW you are. Stop googling “great ELA lesson plans ideas” on Sunday night. Quit vacillating between taking a lunch or finding something (anything!) that will capture your students’ attention. Forget racking your brain for a book your students might actually like to read and pulling your hair out trying to create and find everything you need.

I’ve got you. For real. We can do this, together.

Joining the amazing community of teachers at the Word Nerd Collaborative will help you manage your classroom duties, thus giving you more time and energy to take on and enjoy your life outside of school.

Gift yourself some sanity with:
Opportunities for Support

Monthly 90 Minute Plan with Me Session (Zoom), access to a  private FB Group, and opportunities to join our Lunch Bunch via Zoom and meet authors.

Pre-Planned Monthly Calendar

Each month I’ll send you a calendar fully stocked with relevant, timely, and engaging resources. These resources will be connected to themes and holidays as well as the Common Core Standards (when applicable).

Each Month’s Pre-Planned Calendar will include:
  • A First Chapter Friday for each week (video + worksheet)
  • Additional thematic Reading Recommendation Lists
  • A writing prompt for each day (Slides + printable + rubric)
  • 2 brain breaks a week (video + printable answer sheets)
  • 2 multi-day lesson plans (all accompanying materials including slides, videos, printables, rubrics, etc.)
  • And more!

Plug these activities into your own teacher planner for easy, repeatable lesson success. To preview and sample the September Pre-Planned calendar (and see the jam packed value with your own eyes), watch this video

Are you ready to dive in?

Join the
wordnerd collaborative

Working together to reclaim teacher time, increase student engagement, and have fun in the classroom.




$350 A YEAR (SAVE $70)


Doors Open January 2025. Try a sample for FREE today!

  • One extra take out dinner a week… because you just couldn’t leave work on time to make a meal at home ($30 … which adds up to $120 a month)
  • A house cleaner … because really, those showers weren’t going to scrub themselves ($150 a month)
  • A wasted gym membership… because even though it sounds like a good idea, who has time or energy for dumbbells and treadmills after school? ($50 a month)
  • Extra money at the grocery store for grab and go lunch items… because people gotta eat and you don’t have time to cut veggies, slice cheese, or make sandwiches ($30 more a week at the grocery store… which adds up to $120 a month)

This list doesn’t even include pet care costs, grocery pick up order fees, or the additional caffeinated beverages you purchase just to make it through the day. Your lack of time and energy is COSTING YOU SO MUCH MONEY.

Think about all the ways you waste money, because you simply don’t have ENOUGH TIME to do ALL THE THINGS.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Let me help you.

Doors Open January 2025. Try a sample for FREE today!